She Died



“Eros! Hey Eros Magdayo!”

“Hey Eros, Eris is outside. She’s calling you. Should I let her in? She look and sounds irritated. Did you do something wrong?”

Eros was lying on his bed when his Ate Risa knocked on his door.

“I heard her shout Ate, don’t let her in. I will go out.” Eros stood up, scratched his head, wore a pair of slippers, and went down the house. “What does that annoying angel need?”

“Oh, are you looking for Eros? Why don’t you go inside the house?”

“No need Mr. Magdayo.” When Eros arrived he saw that Eris was talking to ‘the guy who adopted him,’ who just came home from work.

“Oh, is that it Eros? Why? Let her in, I brought roasted chickens.” He said while holding the plastic bag up. “Invite her to have dinner with us.”

“No need. We’re  going out.” Eros grabbed Eris’s hand and hurriedly went away.

“Eros, wait! What time will you return? Where are you going to eat?” The man shouted at him, but he did not take notice of it. He just continued walking and pulling Eris.

“Uy, I want to eat dinner with your family! Wait! Let’s go back to your house!” Eris said while Eros pulled her not knowing where they were headed.

“You are really a patay-gutom1!” Eros stopped and irritatingly faced Eris.

“Yup! I’m dead and I’m hungry that equals to patay-gutom! Yehey!” She clapped.

“Argh! Why did you come to my house? You shouted loudly, there’s a doorbell!”

“Earlier, was it your dad?”

“Do not answer my question with a question.”

“Why do you call him Mr. Magdayo? It’s too formal; shouldn’t you have called him ‘dad’ or ‘papa’?”

“He’s not my dad, they just adopted me. I answered your question, now answer my question.”

“Ah… What was your question again?”

“Argghhh!” Eros raised his hand and was going to smack Eris but stopped himself, he palmed his face. “What do you need? Why did you go to my house?”

Eris sat on the sidewalk, Eros followed suit. “You’re in trouble.”

“Ha? Why am I in trouble? What are you saying?”

“Yohanne seems angry at you.”

“Ha? What did I do? “

“He thinks you snatched Gazelle away from him.”


“You were always with Gazelle and then earlier you left us and he saw you walking out of the school gate with Gazelle. What entered in your mind? Hmmm.” She gave him a suspicious look.

“Woah, woah. About earlier? That’s nothing! That’s just part of my plan!”

“Eh? Plan? What plan? Leche plan2?”

Eros picked a small rock on the ground and pretended to throw it at Eris. “How about I’ll throw this to you? A plan for them to get close! Gazelle told me her birthday is near, it’s the day after tomorrow! So I went with her to chat, I asked her what she likes so that I’ll know what kind of gift she wants! And I even got an invitation for the three of us to go to her birthday party at her house!”

“Really? But why didn’t you inform us? Yohanne even thought badly about it.”

“Eh, that plan suddenly entered my mind when Gazelle and I talked earlier. What is Yohanne thinking, just because we were together? Tsk. Is it even right to suspect me?” Eros scratched his head.

“It’s because… Gazelle has a crush on you.”


Eros stepped back because of what Eris said.

“I told you, Gazelle has a crush on you. She even told Yohanne herself, that’s why he jumped to conclusions whenever he sees you’re together.

“Tsk. It’s normal that Gazelle will have a crush on me.”


“I’m handsome, all girls will have a crush on me. There is nothing new.”

“How arrogant!” She pushed his shoulder.

“Why? It’s true! I am really handsome, very handsome.” His placed his hand under his chin making a pogi-pose.3

Eris kept on pushing him and was in the verge of laughing as well. “You’re so arrogant.”

“But Ero-ero, talk to Yohanne tomorrow. He seems mad at you because he thinks that you snatched Gazelle from him.”

“But I didn’t…”

“Yes, you did not, but he doesn’t know it until you clarify it to him. It would be a waste Eros. Don’t allow the opportunity to be wasted.”


“Yohanne said, he thought you were his friend. He treats you as his friend. You now have a friend in your classroom, so I hope you wouldn’t waste that friendship. Talk to him tomorrow, okay? Please?”

“Come what may.”

“Why come what may?”

Basta4, go home already.” Eros stood up and turned his back to Eris.

“Hey, as long as you talk to him tomorrow.”

“Come what may” Eros said, his hands was in his pockets while walking back home. “Go home.”

“Hey, you promised” Eris added.

Eros didn’t look back, he just lifted his hand to wave. “Yes, go home.”

* * * * * *

As Eros instructed her, she went back to the club. She was a little tired; her head ached because of the events that happened today. She wished that the misunderstanding between Eros and Yohanne will be clarified. She took a drink from the refrigerator, after drinking, she leaned her head on the wall. “Hay, what a day.”

“You’re back.”

“Ay, a gay ghost!” Eris was surprised when Memo suddenly popped at her side.

“Hahaha! I’m not a gay ghost.” He walked towards the refrigerator to get a drink.

“Ah… I’m sorry. I was surprised.”

“Where have you been? Eros’ house?”

“Eh?” She was startled because she did not often talk to Memo and they were not close, but now Memo is suddenly talking to her. “Ah yes…”

“I think you’re the first woman I’ve seen with Eros? I mean, there were also many women he was with but were mostly just for entertainment when he’s on the street at night. But you know, now I don’t see him hanging on the street at night, in fact it seems like he’s always going home early. And more than that, it looks like he’s not fighting or intentionally hurting someone? He seems to have been tamed since you came. What are you to him? Who are you?”

“Eh? I’m Eris… his friend.”

“Eris? Eris Jane Trinidad, right?”

“Ha? Yes.”

“Who is Eris Jane Trinidad?”

“What do you mean?”

“I’ll tell you a secret.” Memo came closer to her, very close that she almost retreated and leaned on the wall. The distance they had was just the glass on her front. “I play a game and it’s called human chess.”

“H-human chess?” Eris felt nervous, she did not know what to do and she feels trapped.

“Yes, it’s like a normal chess, though my pieces are humans. I manipulate my pieces and I enjoy it very much. And you’re one of my pieces Eris. The thing is, I can’t find anything about you that I can manipulate. You’re more mysterious than I thought; I did some research about you but found none. No one seems to know you, and that’s very weird. I told you my secret, so why don’t you tell me yours? Who are you really Eris Jane Trinidad? “

Eris weakly pushed Memo to get away from him a little bit.

“Why should I tell you who I am? Then you would just play with me? Eros and me? Gazelle and Yohanne too?”

Memo was astounded at Eris’ statement.

“Wait, how did you know that they are included—”

Eris immediately cut-off Memo. “That Gazelle and Yohanne are included for you to toy and manipulate with? Simple, I dreamt of you. I know what you want to do.”

Eris’ dream was just a vision that God gave her to be careful of Memo. She saw in her dream everything Memo wanted to do in their lives, from then on she started to avoid him and she was very careful for him not to know her as an angel.

“How did you know?”

“Unlike you, I do not share my secrets with people I do not know.” Eris laid the glass on the sink and went straight to the second floor to sleep, but she stopped and turned to Memo.

“Why are you playing a human chess game? As far as I know, a chess game is played by two people. Who are you playing with? Memo Clarkson, be careful. You do not know but maybe ‘life’ is already your opponent in this human chess game and always remember: life is unfair. It might make a move that will bring all your pieces down and you as well. “

“I do not know the reason why you’re playing something like that; but, before you regret it, stop it already. It’s a reminder Memo, do not play with the lives of others or else, there may come a time that you will be the one who will be played with.”

Eris turned her back and went up towards her room.

* * * * * *

The next day at their school, Yohanne ignored Eros which made Eros irritated. That’s why when lunch came, he pulled Yohanne’s sleeves and dragged him to the rooftop.

“Oy let go of me!” Even though Yohanne kept shouting and protesting, Eros only released him when they reached the rooftop.

Yohanne was almost out-balanced when Eros suddenly let go and pushed him.

“Hey, what the hell?”

“Hey, what the hell too? You’re like a kid, are you ignoring me? Tss!”

“What do you need, why did you drag me?” Yohanne said as he adjusted his shirt’s sleeve that got wrinkled because Eros pulled him.

“Tell me, what do you think of me? A bad person?”

Yohanne stopped, he didn’t expect that, he bowed his head and spoke.

“Yes, you’re bad. You don’t know anything aside from hurting people. Useless, wastrel, heartless, unmerciful, selfish, arrogant, bully, annoying, stupid, bastard.”

“That’s what I thought.” Eros turned away because he heard what he knew he would hear.

“I’m not finished yet, you’re rude.”

Eros halted.

“Yes, you’re bad. I thought how others thought of you. That’s what I assumed but since we got to know each other more, and as I talked with you and Eris, my belief changed. You were unlike what we thought, you were not that bad. And you worked hard for that ninety-eight score you got in Earth Science. You know how to strive hard. My view towards you really changed, I started believing in you. I treated you as a friend… but… why did you even take Gazelle? Are you fucking with me? Why not punch me instead of taking her away…”

Eros faced him suddenly. Eros ran towards him and punched his face. He fell down. He touched the side of his swollen bleeding lips.

“Ahhhh! I miss punching someone, it has been a while.” Eros said while stretching his hands.


Eros seriously looked at Yohanne and offered his hand. “Stand up.”

“H-ha?” Yohanne stared at Eros’ offered hand. He was confused and curious as to why he would help him after he punched him.

“I hit you to shake your brain; you already know that I don’t have any intention of taking Gazelle from you. Eris said she has a crush on me but it’s just natural, who won’t have a crush on a handsome man like me?” He began boasting. “But you don’t need to worry; even though she’s cute and kind, I don’t have any interest in her. She only reminds me of my elder sister Risa.”

“So why did I see you together yesterday?”

“That one? I just asked her things that can be useful to you. I also asked her what she thinks of you.”

“Ha? What she thinks about me?”

His chat with Gazelle yesterday flashed back to his mind.


“What do you think about Yohanne?” 

“Eh? About Yohanne?” Gazelle placed her hand below her chin and thought. “Hmm… Yohanne is… he’s cute, he has a cool genius looking aura. I noticed he doesn’t smile often, he looks so serious; it’s a waste he looks like he’s quite cute. He also looks very kind. All in all, he’s a delightful person.”

“What if he likes you? Are you willing to be courted by him? “

“Eh? That’s impossible! Why are you asking that?”

“But what if? Hypothetically speaking, what would you do? “

“Hmm… okay. Hypothetically speaking, I think I’m okay with it. I will give him time to prove his love and make me fall in love with him. And of course in the process of courtship, I want us to get to know each other more. Oh Eros, what kind of question is that? It’s extremely random! Ahaha!”


“Is that what she really said?” Yohanne asked after Eros told him his conversation with Gazelle.

“Yes! And do you know that it’s her birthday tomorrow?”

“Yes… I know…”

“Oh, you already know, then, have you bought a gift?”

“Why would I buy one, we’re not close. I’m not even invited to her birthday party.”

“Tsk! That’s why I was with her yesterday! I got an invitation! “


“Eros! Yohanne!” Eris finally caught up to both of them. When she saw that Eros dragged Yohanne, she has no idea what Eros would do so she followed them. And now they are in front of her, she’s curious as to why Yohanne was sitting on the ground and was sporting blood on the side of his lips. She was going to go in between them when she heard Eros speaking to Yohanne that’s why she stopped to listen in their conversation.

“Tomorrow we’ll go to her house after class. There is a party until evening, so if I were you, man up already! Stop being hesitant, just confess! You’re like a turtle; maybe someone will have her first! She will not wait for you if you don’t tell her anything, remember that!”

“B-but we’re not close yet. I’m not ready…”

“So what? Confess to her! You will court her, right? You have all the time to get to know each other while you’re courting her!”

“What if… she rejects me? What if she’ll avoid me? Now that I get to talk to her, I don’t want her to avoid me…”

Eros took Yohanne’s arm and stood him forcibly.

“Yohanne, I’ve been rejected and avoided by people countless times in my life. In life, its normal to be rejected and avoided by people because of what we have done and will do but it is not a sufficient reason for you to fear. If you get rejected, so what? At least you tried, that is what is important. As long as you don’t give up and you make an effort, that rejection will someday be an acceptance.”

“Eros…” Yohanne was taken a back at what Eros said, as if he was woken up with those words. “Thank you for the punch… it feels like I’m back to myself.”

“Really? Do you want me to punch you again?”

“H-ha? Of course not! That’s enough! It hurts you know!”

“Tsk. It feels good to punch something.”

“O-oooyyyy! What are you doing! Ooy!” Eros was astonished when Yohanne suddenly embraced him. “Are you gay? Oy, don’t hug me! Yuck! Oy! Do you really like Gazelle or  do you like me? Oy, I told you to release me!”

“Thank you Eros. I’ll confess tomorrow. “

“Okay, okay! Just release me!” Eros turned and saw Eris laughing at them. “Hey annoying! Please help me here, remove this gay from my person! Oy don’t just laugh there! Oyyy!”

* * * * * *

As thanks, Yohanne tutored math to Eros since there is an upcoming quiz and Eris is not an expert in that subject for her to teach Eros. They stayed in the club to study.

They finished at about nine o’clock and Yohanne already went home. He said for the last time to them that he will do his best in his confession tomorrow. Before they went to the club, they bought Yohanne’s gift for Gazelle. He even went to the barber and bought new clothing. He prepared well.

“Haay, my head hurts because of that math shit! Who invented it? I want to smack him a thousand times!” Eros uttered as he laid down on the small lawn of the club. They accompanied Yohanne to the gate for them to say goodbye and he was lazy to go back inside. He just laid down the grass since he was also going home shortly.

“Well, the one who invented that is already dead.” Eris laid beside him.

“You died already, right? Did you see him in heaven? Or maybe he’s in hell… what a torture in life. What does heaven look like? Does it have gold gates? Is Saint Peter holding a chicken?”

“I’m not allowed to tell you anything about heaven and the things I saw after I died Eros.”

“Eh? Why?”

“Because the balance of life will be ruined. You should wait for your life to be finished here before you can know what’s in the afterlife.”

“Then why are you allowed? You’ve died and you’ve lived again, it doesn’t seem right. “

“If I live again, all my memories before I died will be erased.”


“Hey Eros, you’re awesome… Do you know that the heart is already eighty percent?”


“Everything you did for Yohanne, it added more. You are gradually changing. I’m happy for you. When I heard what you you said to Yohanne, I didn’t think that words like that would come out from your mouth. It looks like it’s from your experience. You looked like an expert in the field of love. I couldn’t believe it! Seriously!”

“You can’t believe it? Tsk! You think I didn’t have a lovelife? Tsss.”

“Wait, what?! You did?”

Eros just looked at the star-filled sky. “I did have a girlfriend before.”

“Woah…. really?”

“Yes. I’m going home now!” Eros stood up and he was about to leave but Eris blocked him so that he couldn’t go.

“Wait, she’s not your girlfriend anymore?”

“Maybe. Get out of my way, I’m going home.”

“Wait, last question, did you love her?”

“Yes. Move, I told you I’m already going home.” He pushed Eris weakly so that she’ll get out of his way.

He opened the gate and went away. He was walking home, his hands on his pockets while gazing at the stars in the sky.

“Yes, I loved her… and I still love her. She was my light. The light that faded away because of me.”



1 patay-gutom:  literally translates to  patay = dead, gutom = hungry;  it means extremely hungry/dead hungry or it can also mean a person who eats a lot. Or it can also mean a destitute person and can be used as an insult towards a person.

 2 leche plan: Leche flan is also known as crème caramel, caramel pudding

3 pogi-pose: literally translates to handsome pose; it’s placing a check hand gesture (making a check with your thumb and index finger) below your chin while smiling.

4 Basta: it may mean just because or as long as depending on how it is used. It may be used to answer a question or to form statement.  In the context it is used to answer the question vaguely (like sort of evading answering in detail)

She Died


Hello Nyans! Long time no post! I’m sorry for the long wait.. so here’s:

Chapter 14


“How did it go?”


“AAHH! Ouch!” Yohanne was surprised when a heavy hand slapped his back while he was sitting. “Why is it that while you are asking me it’s as if you’re trying to kill me? Your slap is painful!”

Yohanne didn’t know where he got the confidence to shout at the campus bully. Since he and Eris helped him, he feels that he and the entire class made a wrong judgement towards Eros. He was not so evil, even though his a bit violent.

“Yohanne, how did it go yesterday? What happened? Did you know that we deliberately left both of you so that you’ll get to know each other better! Eros planned it, isn’t he an amazing cupid?” Eris excitedly said.

“Why do you have plenty of energy, it’s still early, your mouth is already a machine gun. How annoying.”

Eris stuck her tongue out towards Eros. While Yohanne can’t believe that Eros was the one who planned to leave them alone, he did not anticipate that he’ll play his role as cupid like what Eris said.

“Why is Yohanne talking with the bully?”

“It seems like it, they look like they are close with each other?”

“Maybe they are friends?”

“What? Impossible! Yohanne befriending the bully? There’s a big difference between them, an intelligent person and a useless one.”

“Ah, right. Maybe he’s blackmailing Yohanne? Maybe Yohanne is he’s new target? Eros thinks he’s a god in this school.”

“Tsk, he should be kicked out. What’s his use here? Isn’t he just a nuisance?”

If it was before, Yohanne would agree with what he heard his classmates are saying while they are whispering. But now, he can only shake his head. He was not blackmailed nor bullied by Eros like what they are thinking; the truth is he’s helping him.


Everyone was surprised when Eros strongly kicked a chair.

“If you’re going to whisper, don’t whisper as if you’ve swallowed a microphone!”

Eros went near those who were whispering and grabbed one at the collar; he was going to punch him when he felt someone smacking a book to his head.

He angrily looked back at the person who smacked him with a book and saw Eris looking seriously at him.

“Calm down! Don’t get affected by what they are saying when you know it’s not true!”

Eros was fuming, his fist tightened at his side. He wanted to throw a punch, to hurt someone or anything. He’s vexed.


He kicked the chairs near him. “Fuck! Motherfucker! Fuck!”

He cursed again and again while he went out of the classroom. Eris did not follow him, thinking it’s better to give him time alone to calm down. She knows that her presence really irritates Eros, that’s why she’s allowing him to be alone for now.

“You know, Eros is not the one who is bad here.” Eris faced the two guys who were whispering earlier. “You both are the ones who are bad since you just readily judge someone.”

That’s what Eris only said and she went back to her seat at the back.

* * * * * *

On the other side, Eros went to the rooftop and he let out his frustrations. He kicked and punched the wall because he was so pissed off with people. He cursed again and again while punching the wall, he let out all his irritation to the wall until he noticed that his right fist is already bleeding.

“Argh!” He shouted out of frustration, he turned his back and leaned on the wall, falling on the floor while clutching his bloodied fist.

He closed his eyes and thought of things.

“If it’s not for Ate Risa, I would not do these things. I was better when I was bad; at least I don’t give a damn with what people are thinking of me. But now that I am trying to change, why do I feel that I am getting affected with their judgement? What the fuck!”

As Eros’ eyes closed and kept thinking of things, he did not noticed that he was already falling asleep. His eyes suddenly opened when he heard the school bell. It’s already recess, he forgot about his class.

He remembered that he was not allowed to be absent; or else, his bastard teacher would revoke his chance to graduate. That’s why he stood up and went directly towards his classroom while his fist is still bloody. While he was walking on the hallway, the students were staring at him because of his wounded fist. He heard the things they were whispering about him. Some said that he was in brawl again and that he doesn’t know anything aside from hitting and hurting others, that he was an evil person.

That made him think “Don’t they know that it’s possible to punch the wall? Tss!

“Waa! Eros! What happened to you?” He was surprised when a girl went near him, its Gazelle.

Uy Gazelle, why are you impulsively going near, let’s go away before he hurts us.” Her friend fearfully whispered to her while grabbing her uniform, away from Eros.

“Kaye, Eros will not hurt us. He’s a good person.” Gazelle smiling said. Since yesterday, Gazelle’s belief that Eros was a badboy was changed. In just a short moment that she spent with him yesterday, she knows that he is not a sinister person.

“Eee, let’s go Gazelle. I’m so nervous. Look at his bloody hand; for sure he was in a brawl. Let’s go Gazelle, he may hurt us.”

“Oh Kaye, go to the canteen first. Follow Hanna and the rest to the table, I’ll follow you.” Because of her friend’s fear of Eros, she heeded what Gazelle said and went to the canteen.

Gazelle faced Eros, grabbed his right wrist to examine the wounds in his fist. “Eros, what happened? Why is your hand wounded? Let’s go to the clinic!”

“W-what? It’s nothing, no need to go to the clinic.”

“What’s nothing? Oh no! What if a vein burst or there is a broken bone in your hand, you need to show it to the nurse! Let’s go to the clinic!” Gazelle pulled him.

“Ha? No, there’s no need.”

“Eee! Come on!” Gazelle forcefully pulled him toward the clinic; he can’t do anything but to allow himself to be dragged.

Meanwhile in the classroom, Eris and Yohanne decided to find Eros, but when they went out, Yohanne saw Eros at the hallway and not only that, he was talking with Gazelle while she was holding his wrist and pulling him towards somewhere.

“Yohanne, maybe Eros is on the rooftop, let’s g—” Eris stopped when she followed where Yohanne was dazedly looking.

“I-is that Eros and Gazelle?” Eris restlessly asked since the two already turned their backs before she can clearly look.

Yohanne nodded. “Do you know what Eris? Yesterday, Gazelle told me that she has a crush on Eros.”


Yohanne only smiled. “Don’t worry. Crush means she’s just physically attracted right? And that a crush easily passes? It’s only a crush.”

“Okay, Eris” he pat her shoulder. “I’ll take my recess together with our other classmates.”

Yohanne left, leaving Eris slightly confused.

* * * * * *

At the clinic

“Well, it’s already okay. We already bandaged your hand, next time don’t punch the wall, the wall is pitiful.”

Gazelle laughed at what the nurse said and Eros smiled.

“At least Eros did not punch someone, right?” Gazelle says smiling.

“That’s right, I’ll just leave you two here. I have something to get at the faculty room. Eros, I’ll inform your teacher that you have a hand injury; do not worry I’ll say you were not fighting.”

After that, the nurse left the clinic and he and Gazelle remained.

“Why did you punch the wall?”

“It’s nothing, I just feel like it.”

Ows, that’s impossible. You’re crazy if you just simply punch the wall.”

“Yes, I’m crazy.”

“Eee! Really, seriously, why did you punch it?”

“You’re persistent just like Eris.”

“Waaa, speaking of Eris! Why did you suddenly disappear yesterday?”

“Ah, we just remembered that we have somewhere we needed to go,” Eros excused.

“Hmm… So why did you punch the wall?” Eros face-palmed because of Gazelle’s persistence.

“It’s nothing really, I was just pissed.”

“Why are you pissed?”

“Because there are people who say different things.”

“Just like?”

“Like you, your very stubborn. Stop asking, it’s irritating. Just a few more, you can bet Eris the second!”

“Okay, I’m not going to ask anymore but…”


“Please be good.” Gazelle stood up and placed her hand on his head and messed his hair while smiling. “My friends said that I should avoid you because you’re a bad person; but, I know you’re not a bad guy. If you’re a bad guy, I can’t come close to you like this, right? Even though I just met you, I feel that you’re not bad, I know because I believe in you.”

“Bye Eros, I’ll go now to the canteen!” Gazelle turned and left.

What Gazelle said kept on replaying like a broken disk. “I believe in you.” Eros didn’t know why but he felt good hearing those words.

I believe in you.” He touched his head and shook it while he couldn’t stop smiling “She believes in me. Wow.”

* * * * * *

After the recess, Eros returned to the classroom. As soon as he entered, his classmates looked at him as usual but he shrugged his shoulders, his hands in his pocket while directly heading to his chair at the back.

“Waaa! Eros, what happened to your hand?” Eris suddenly took his hand. “Were you in a fight?”

“Yes, I fought with the wall.”

“Waaaa! A wall? The wall is pitiful! Why did you punch it!”

“So what do you want, for me to punch someone?”

“Ah eh… Yes you’re right … But Eros, are you okay? Is it painful?”

“No, I’m fine.” Eros pulled his hand from Eris’ grip.

“Magdayo!” Eris and Eros were shocked when their teacher suddenly entered their classroom and called Eros immediately.

“Come here!” their teacher is looking sternly at Eros.

Eris and Eros were wondering what was happening. Eros stood up and went to their teacher. Suddenly his teacher raised a paper in front of him.

“What is this Eros Magdayo?!”

Eros distanced a little to see what was on paper and his eyes widened and grabbed the paper from his teacher’s hand.

“Woah! I got ninety-eight on the quiz?! Woah! Eris, look at this!” He excitedly to looked at Eris and called her; she approached and looked at Eros’ quiz paper and her eyes also widened. They can not believe it!

“Eros! Oh my vegetable! You got ninety-eight on the quiz? Grabe! Grabe![1] I can’t believe it! Who would have thought that you learned it well even though we only reviewed for a short time! Kyaa! You’re excellent Eros!” Eris repeatedly smacked his shoulders because of her joy.

“Ehem.” their excitement was cut short when their teacher snatched the paper and seriously looked at Eros. “Who did you copy from, Magdayo?”

Eros felt like he was punched with his teacher’s question.

He studied for that quiz and he answered it honestly but now, he got a score of ninety-eight for the first time in his life… and then suddenly they are suspicious of him?

He looked with the same intensity with that of his teacher’s gaze on him, “Sir, even though I’m a bastard and a wastrel, I want to tell you po[2] that I can study and I didn’t copy. I deserve the score and you don’t deserve to be a teacher.”



[1] Grabe: Severe/ over the top (I didn’t translate this ’cause I can’t find a word that will fit with the context. And also, to not lose the intensity of the emotion of the word. XD)

[2] Po: to make a sentence/phrase polite when speaking to someone older, a stranger, a superior, or someone you’re not quite close in order to show respect; but in this context, it’s laced with disdain.

She Died

She Died – Chapter Twelve

Another character is introduced! Let’s see how this will play-out kittens!

Here’s Chapter Twelve, marking the half of the story. Have a blast meows~!

Don’t forget to share your thoughts later.



“Are you not happy Eros?”

“What should I be happy about? To be a cupid? You even want to play cupid, you and your antics! You even included me to your foolishness!” They walked together heading home.

“Don’t you like it? There’s a chance for you to have a new friend? And most importantly, he’s a math genius! It’s fortunate, I’m not good at math so I can’t teach you but Yohanne is there, he can teach you for you to pass the exam! He agreed as long as we’ll get him closer to Gazelle Ocampo, his crush!”

“Tss! I don’t know with you! As for me, I won’t play cupid! Suit yourself!”

“Eee Eros!” Eris held his arm and shook him while they were walking, she pouted. “Come on, your role is easy! You’ll just need to get to know Gazelle then you’ll gather information about her that we can use for Yohanne to be closer to her.”

“I don’t want to. I told you I don’t want to take part in your foolishness.”

Eris pouted, letting go of her hold on Eros, and stopped walking. He noticed it and he looked back at her.

“You don’t want to exert an effort to change. Do you remember the Evil Dummy’s Guide to Kindness that we made yesterday?” Eris crossed her arms while she continued pouting. “Number 2: Make friends, learn to smile and laugh with others.”

Eris walked towards Eros and pointed her index finger at his chest. “This is your opportunity to make friends with one of your classmates, but you’re wasting this opportunity! If you really want to change, make an effort!”

Here comes Eris with her sermons to him. Eros was really contemplating what she said but he almost smacked her when he heard what she added.

“And treat me an ice cream!”

“Whatever. Just stay there!” He turned his back to her.

Eris continued nagging him but he ignored her. She went home first since the clubhouse was along the way.

When Eros arrived home, he went directly to his room and closed himself off. He lay down; he placed his arm on his forehead and closed his eyes to think.

He doesn’t know Yohanne even though they are classmates. He doesn’t know his classmates and their names; he only recognizes them with their face. He was never interested to get to know them or talk to them since they seem not to like him. They avoid and fear him.

And now he was made to play cupid by that annoying angel! She said he’ll serve as a bridge between Yohanne and Gazelle Ocampo, Yohanne’s crush.

But how will he do it? And will Yohanne be his friend in the end? And why does he feel like he’s hoping for them to be friends? Since Eris arrived in his life and with her frequent sermons, he often reflected on his actions. He can now even feel his heart that he forgot existed. He now wants to be with people, he doesn’t want to be alone.

He wants to have a friend. He wants to be accepted by people.

“Aaaaah!” He messed up his hair. “I want to smack you Eris! Because of you my mind is in a mess!”

* * * * *

“Go now! Faster!”

Aray oy! Don’t push me!” It’s already lunch time and they are at the back of a wall, Eris was pushing Eros towards the tree where Gazelle Ocampo was, she was with her friends and classmates having lunch.

“Tss.” Eris copied Eros’  ‘tss’ whenever he was irritated and she placed her hand on her hips. “You said you’ll do it!”

“Yes! I’ll do it but don’t push me! I just don’t understand why I’m the one who should approach her? Why not you?” Eros went near Yohanne and pointed at him. “You’re the one who has a crush on her, you should be the one to approach and introduce yourself to her!”

“Wh-what? I-I don’t want to!” he stammered, his head bowed. “It’s embarrassing.”

“Tss. You’re a man.”

“Hey Eros!”

Eros is getting impatient.

“You’re also a man but you have plenty of complaints, just do what you promised me! Come on, go now bridge!”

Eros is annoyed again because Eris gave him plenty of nicknames. He’s now called bridge because he’ll be a ‘bridge’ a.k.a Cupid of Yohanne and Gazelle.

“Yes, I’ll go so that this foolishness will end!” Eros walked irritated towards Gazelle.

“Don’t forget to smile Eros!” Eris reminded.

“Tss.” That’s his only reply and he went towards Gazelle.

“Umm…” The four girls were eating under the tree looked at him. Their eyes widened and he heard one of them whisper.

“Isn’t he the bad guy from Class 4C? The bad one and who beats? Oh my gosh! What does he need from us? It’s scary.”

Eros stopped himself from being irritated from what he heard and forced a smile, he looks weird.

“Hello miss.”  He immediately faced Gazelle and talked to her since he wants it to end this immediately.

“Ah! H-hello!” Gazelle was surprised when the rumored bad boy of their campus went near and talked to her.

“You are Gazelle Ocampo right?” Eros sat beside the short haired chinita.

O-opo!1 Yes it’s me po!2 I’m innocent po, I promise. I’m a good person! I haven’t done any evil deed!” Gazelle panicked, her heart beat faster, she’s nervous because she doesn’t know why the bad boy is talking to her, she doesn’t remember she did something wrong to him for him to approach her.


“If ever I stepped on your shoes or I spilled juice on you or whatever wrong thing I did to you which you didn’t like, I’m sorry po! Spare my life please!” Gazelle covered her face because she panicked.

Eros was surprised to what Gazelle said. Be blanked out for a second but when he analyzed what she said, instead of getting angry he laughed out loud. He can’t contain his laughter seeing her facial expression.

“Hahaha!”  Eros held his stomach while laughing.

Gazelle slowly removed her hands from her face and curiously looked at the laughing Eros. She didn’t remember if she said something funny..

“Uhh.. Are you crazy?” She immediately covered her mouth; that automatically went out from her mouth, she did not intend to say that but it was too late. She was nervous that the bad boy in front of her will get mad because of what she said. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to say that!”

“Don’t be, just relax! I will not swallow you!” Eros was having difficulty saying that since he was still laughing, he finds this girl in front of him very entertaining.

“You mean you’ll slaughter me first? You’ll chop me to pieces while I’m still alive before swallowing me? Uwaa!”

Eros’ laughter became louder. “Hahaha! No! I said to relax; I will not do anything bad to you. I’m just here to get to know you.”

“Oh.” That’s what Gazelle only said. Get to know her? She was confused, why would a bad boy want to know her?

“I’m Eros and you’re Gazelle right? I want to invite you to go with me and my friends.” He looked back at where Eris and Yohanne are and pointed them out to her. “If you’re free after class, let’s meet at the gate of the school.”

“Ha? What would we do?”

“Nothing special. Let’s eat, have some snacks at mini stop or 7eleven so we can get to know each other.”

Actually, it was what Eris instructed him to say to Gazelle. Eris’ plan is to invite Gazelle to come with them later that afternoon to 7eleven so that Gazelle and Yohanne would be introduced to each other.

“Oh… Is that it? You promise not to kidnap me and sell my internal organs to bad people?” Gazelle still panicked and innocently asked.

“Hahaha! My friends are not bad people.” He meant Eris and Yohanne. “I’m a little bit bad but I’m trying to be a good guy. Trust me, I just want to get to know you. So I hope you’ll join us later.”

“Uhh..” Gazelle thinks a little bit but later agreed. “Okay… Promise me you’ll not kidnap me.”

“Hahaha. Promise.”

* * * * *

On the other side, Eris and Yohanne were curious as to why Eros kept laughing. They were not close to where Eros and Gazelle are, that’s why they can’t hear their conversation. But whatever they were talking about, it looks like Eros was enjoying himself since he kept on laughing.

Eris was happy seeing Eros laugh but there’s a part of her that’s not at ease. It looks like Eros was really happy talking with Gazelle which he still didn’t know so well. She didn’t understand what she’s feeling, she’s uneasy feeling this feeling.

Not long after, Eros went back to them with a smile adorning his lips and doing a thumbs up. “Mission accomplished. She agreed.”

“Eros… You’re smiling.” Eris commented.

That’s when Eros realized that he was smiling and that he really enjoyed talking with Gazelle but maybe because he was conscious, he removed his smile from his lips. “Tss. I’m not. Later this afternoon, after class, she’ll see us at the gate.”

“Really?” Yohanne excitedly asked.

Eris clapped and patted Yohanne. “See, Yohanne! You’ll finally get to talk with Gazelle! This ends your gazing at her from afar, you’ll get to be with her this afternoon and you will have the chance to talk to her so do your best! You need to have a progress even for a little bit after this!”

They walked back to their classroom but Eris noticed before they entered the building that Eros looked back at Gazelle’s direction. She saw a smile on his lips.

Eris felt something in her chest, she felt sad somehow.

She doesn’t know why.


TL Ramblings: Uh-oh Eris, what could you be feeling? >.<



Opo: Polite way of saying yes or agreeing to something. Usually used when speaking with elders or strangers but can also be used for all ages to be respectful.

Po: is used to make the statement polite.

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She Died

She Died – Chapter Eleven

Kittens, we would like to hear from you. Don’t hesitate to comment, promise we won’t bite.

So here’s another chapter to dig your teeth into. Nyahahaha! Meow~!


 Chapter Eleven


“I hung my shirt inside the comfort room; I washed the part where the ice cream spilled.”  Eros went out from the comfort room of Eris’ bedroom.

“Kyaa! Porn!” Eris was sitting on the bed and when she saw a topless Eros coming out from the comfort room, she grabbed the nearest pillow and covered her face. “Uwaa! Porn! Porn!”

“H-hoy! What porn? What are you saying!”

“Y-you don’t have any shirt! Aaah! My eyes, my virgin eyes!”

Eros went near her after he donned a shirt and grabbed the pillow that covered her face and smacked it in her head.

“Crazy! Just for me to be topless! Porn your face! I am not a girl, so I don’t have anything to cover in my upper part. Tss.”

“Ouch! You always hit me on the head!”

“Because you’re abnormal. Tss, move away.” He pushed Eris and sat beside her. In front of them there is a small table with scattered papers. “What is this?”

“Notes! I wrote them while you were sleeping in class earlier! Eros, you should listen to your teachers from now on!”


“It’s only in your mind that it is boring, force yourself to listen. You’ll see that next time you will be interested!”

“Whatever, What should I do with these notes?” He reached for one paper and read what is written there.

“We’ll review it. You’ll have a quiz on Earth Science tomorrow.”

“Ahh! I feel lazy!” He threw the paper and fell back towards the bed.

“We haven’t yet started but you’re already lazy!”

“Ahhh! Get away from me!” Eros pushed Eris since he was shocked because while he was lying down, Eris’ face was in front of his face.

Eris went back in front of Eros, and this time she placed her hands at the side of his head and held it into position.

“You’ll see; I will kiss you if you don’t study!”

“You chicken shit! Get away from me oy!” Eros tried to get away from Eris but she laughingly sat on his abdomen to make sure he can’t get away. She’s only joking with him, she doesn’t have any intention to kiss him, and she’s only teasing him hoping he’ll concentrate in studying because she knows he’ll choose to study than to be kissed by an annoying angel like her.

“Hey! Go down! You’re heavy you pig! Hey!”

“Bleh! I’ll kiss you now froggy because you don’t want to study.”

“Eeeew!” he said while suddenly pushing Eris.

“Waa! I’ll fall!” She was out balanced. “Waa! Eros!”

Eros thought that she’ll really fall since her hand bumped into the table behind her and it collapsed down the floor; she was next when he caught her arm and pulled her towards the bed. Because of that, she went directly to his chest, their face close from each other. Both their eyes widened, and blanked out as to what to say and do.

They blushed.

“What was the noise about? I think I heard something fal—”

The door suddenly opened, and Memo showed up, and because Eros was surprised, he pushed Eris hard away from him. Eris fell to the floor.

“Ouch! You are so mean! Why did you push me?” Eris said while touching her hurting butt.

“Oh, sorry. Sorry to disturb your very hot scene guys. I think it’s time for me to leave. Ha-ha-ha!”

“Hey Memo! It’s not what you think!”

“Yeah, yeah, you’re just playing jack-en-poy.1 Yeah, it’s not really what I think.” Memo sarcastically teased his friend.

“Just don’t forget to use condom guys, I don’t want any babies in the club.”

“Hey Memo—!” But Memo already closed the door and left. Eros was really irritated with his teasing.

“Umm, Eros, why did he remind us not to forget to use a condom? We’re not having sex.” Eris innocently asked.

“And you too!” Eros threw the pillow towards her.


* * * * * * * * * * *


Despite the mischievous moments that happened between them (meaning: Eros shouting and smacking Eris because she’s annoying), they have reviewed well.

It’s almost eleven p.m. when they finished reviewing and Eros went home. He felt his brain was mashed due to learning many things. That was the first time he studied intently. He was thankful that no matter how hard-headed he is, there is an annoying angel who is patient with him.

That’s why on the quiz the next day…

“This is so easy.” Eros smiled when he saw the questions in their quiz in Earth Science, he can answer almost all off the questions, almost all were covered in the review he’s done with Eris. He enthusiastically answered all the questions. He couldn’t believe that he’ll get excited answering a quiz.

The quiz finished and they all submitted it to their teacher. They will get the results on the next meeting. Earth Science was the last period before lunch, that’s why Eros and Eris immediately went to the canteen to buy food and quickly headed to the rooftop to eat. Eros doesn’t want to eat in the canteen because it’s crowded. They bought palabok2 and bottled water for each of them.

When they entered the rooftop, they were both shocked to see a guy sitting near the railings. Eris placed her food and water on the floor and quickly went near the guy sitting near the railings.

“Don’t kill yourself!”

The guy was surprised because of Eris’ shout causing him to be outbalanced, he almost fell but Eris was able to grab him.

Pwew!” Eris was so nervous; she thought the guy would die. “It almost happened! Are you okay? Why did you intend to jump earlier? Do you have a problem? I’m here, I’ll help. Do not ever think to kill yourself again, please? It would not resolve your problems.”

“What? Me? Kill myself? What?” the guy was confused. “I’m not trying to kill myself! It’s you who’ll kill me! I almost fell because of you, I was surprised. You shouted out of nowhere!”

“Eh? You’re not trying to kill yourself earlier? Then why are you sitting near the railings? That was dangerous! I thought you want to kill yourself, I was nervous!”

“I was peeking at something below!”

“Ha? What were you peeking at?”

“Maybe it’s who?” Eros interrupted in the conversation, leaning his back on the railings, his arms placed on it, while gazing below. “Maybe one of the girls below?”

“Eh?” Eris went near and looked below. She noticed a group of girls near a tree, there were eight of them. A few were under the tree eating while chattering, the others were playing badminton.

“You don’t need to bother! I’ll go!” The guy stood up and intended to go when Eris stopped him.

“You’re our classmate right?” She looked back at Eros. “He’s your classmate right Ero-ero?”

“What? He’s my classmate? I don’t know, I don’t remember.”

“You’re shameless Eros; I remember more than you do!”

“Yes, I am with the same class as you.” The guy said.

“I thought so! See Eros? I’m right! Why do you not even remember the face of your classmates! You’re the one seated on the third row, first column, the one near the window! What’s your name again?”

“Yohanne Garcia.”

Eris smiled widely and tapped Yohanne. “Point out who you were looking at, we’ll help you get closer to her. You look like a secret admirer.”

“Don’t worry Yohanne, Eros and I will be in charge of your love life!”

“O-oy! Why am I included? You’re the one who volunteered; I don’t have anything to do with it. Don’t pool me with your foolishness!

Eris didn’t mind Eros’ complaint and placed her arms around Yohanne’s shoulder while heading to the railings. “So Yohanne, who among them? Cupid Eris and Eros are here for you!

“Hey, I told you to not include me! Tss!”

Who is Yohanne looking at?

Aside from Eris, is Yohanne a new addition to the life of Eros?


1 Jack-en-poy: What Filipinos call the game Rock, paper, scissors.

2 Palabok (Pancit Palabok): is a Filipino noodle dish with shrimp sauce and topped with several ingredients such as cooked shrimp, boiled pork, crushed chicharon, tinapa flakes, fried tofu, scallions, and fried garlic.

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She Died

She Died – Chapter 10

TL note: From Chapter Ten on wards, the author (HaveYouSeenThisGirl) announced that she’ll be writing in third person point of view.  So brace yourselves for some changes kittens!

So here’s another chapter to gobble up!

Chapter Ten

“O—kay! Let’s start!”

“Huh? What do you mean by ‘let’s start’? Start what? And why are you wearing a bandana around your head? You look like a baluga.” 1

They were in a park, sitting on a bench and breathing the fresh air since Eris still didn’t want to go home—she didn’t have anything to do in the club. Eros didn’t understand what crazy thing Eris wanted to do by donning a bandanna around her head, a fighting posture, and determined eyes.

“This bandanna?” she pointed at her head. “Cute right? Does it look good on me?”

“You really don’t listen, I just said it; you’re like a baluga. Whatever, what do you mean by start?”

“We should start making a listahan!”2


“Yup, list.”

He smacked her. “I do know what it is in English! Tss! What is it?”

Before Eros got too irritated and decide to leave, Eris explained immediately what she would like to do. She grabbed his bag and miraculously she was able to get a ball pen and a piece of crumpled paper which she made-do since that were the only things inside.

“It’s like this: I want to make a list with the things you can do to change. Perhaps like steps or guidelines? We’ll start with small good deeds until it grows bigger and bigger.”

“Why start small when we could start big? Wouldn’t it fill the necklace faster?”

“Pfuiii~” she sighed. “If you really want to change, you should start with small deeds. If you rush things, you won’t achieve anything, and even if you manage to achieve anything– it wouldn’t be like what you’re hoping for.”

“Yes, yes, you’re so talkative.”

“Okay! Let’s start The Evil Dummy’s Guide to Kindness!”

“Say what? What do you mean by evil dummy? Evil, sure; but I’m not a dummy!”

“Ows? Prove it to me, pass your exams; but for the meantime, I’ll call this list as The Evil Dummy’s Guide.” She said while writing the words on top of the paper and then wrote the number one underneath it. 

“I’ll write six main guides that for sure will fill the red necklace immediately. Those six items should be your priority.”

“Ahh… So what are those six things?”

“Number One: Ask forgiveness to those you’ve done wrong.”

“It would take us a year if it’s like that. I did so many bad things that I lost count.”

“It’s okay, as long as you say sorry to the people who you hurt the most.”

“Fine, number two?”

“Number two: Make friends, learn to smile, and laugh with others.”

“I already have friends, Seven and the gang.”

“I know, but what about your classmates? I think it’s nice if you’re friends with them.”

“That’s impossible, they hate me.”

“Then make them like you. You’re so annoying! You grumble too much.”

“What? You think I’m the one who’s annoying? Look who’s talking!”

Eris stuck her tongue out towards him and just continued writing on the paper.

“Number three: Study hard and be a responsible person.”

“Number four: Remove all hate in your heart. Learn to forgive yourself.”

“Number five: Respect yourself and others.”

After that, she stopped writing and handed the paper to him.


He reached for the paper, his face expressed confusion. “What about number six? You said there were six guidelines.”


“Oh? Then why is there only five? Do you even know how to count?”

“Ummm… Yup!”

“Oh, then what is number six?” He asked impatiently.

“Number six is…” She smiled widely.


“… Is to treat Angel Eris to ice cream!”

Eros felt that he would fall down from his seat because of what Eris said. He expected that she would say something worthwhile but she only wanted something so small like being treated to ice cream. 

“You’re so annoying!”

“Cam’mon Eros… please, please, please?” Eris placed her hands near her chest, while making puppy eyes with matching pouting lips.

“Tss! You’re a leech, you really like to be treated to food. Does your heaven even feed you? It looks like you haven’t eaten for ten years, you easily get hungry!” He placed the paper inside his pocket and stood up. He decided to treat her. He didn’t really have a choice since she’ll  start to babble.

They saw a dirty ice cream vendor nearby. Eros bought two, the other one  for Eris. After that, they left for home.

“Regarding what you said previously, you died a month before graduation?” Eros asked out of curiosity.

“Yup.” She said while licking the ice cream.  “It’s unfortunate, unexpected.”

“How did you die?”

“I was raped and beaten.”

Eros stopped and smacked Eris.

“Ouch! Why did you hit me?”

“Why are you still smiling? You look like you’re happy retelling how you’ve died. You seem happy that you were raped!”

“Of course I’m not happy! Do you want me to cry?”

“H-ha? No! Don’t cry, I hate those things, but at least don’t smile. What happened to you is seriously unfortunate.” Eros didn’t expect that that was the cause of Eris’ death. He had thought that she was ran over by a car or died because of a sickness. He had never considered  that she could have been a rape victim. Suddenly he felt sympathy towards her.

“It’s okay Eros!”

“It’s not okay! What happened to you is not okay!”

“I know. Umm Eros, let’s not talk about it. Wee! The ice cream is so delicious! Thank you for the ice cream Eros!”

Eris turned her back and started walking, but he caught a glimpse of her melancholic expression before she turned away. With that moment, he realized that her smiles were forced. Who would even smile if that happened to you?

He suddenly felt admiration towards Eris; she was able to smile even through a painful experience. He went near her and tapped her shoulders, she looked back at him. He hugged her.

He didn’t know why he did it; it was like something was urging him to hug Eris. Maybe because he has sisters like his Ate Risa and Chill. He thought that if something happened to them like what happened to Eris, he wouldn’t  be able to smile.

He felt Eris’ hug tighten. “Eros, thank you.”

He didn’t say anything and they stayed like that. Eros couldn’t understand what wass happening to him. It wasn’t the first time that he hugged a girl– he had plenty of girls who he had a passing relationship with, but he felt uneasy with what he was currently feeling while hugging the angel.

He felt the heartbeat of Eris. He even heard his own. Are they really close? And why did he feel cold near his chest? It was a really strange feeling… too cold…

“Eros… umm… Eros… my ice cream spilled on your shirt…”

Eros recovered his bearing with what Eris said; he immediately loosened his hug and pushed her.

“Fuuc—chicken!” Eros was holding the wet area of his shirt.

“It’s because you suddenly hugged me while I was holding an ice cream, see what happened!”


Ayee, you’re so sweet Eros! I feel kilig,3 I wish you’re always like that! Maybe I’ll fall in love! Hohoho!”

“H—hey! What are you saying? Shut up!”

“But seriously, I felt kilig when you hugged me! Ayee! Maybe you have a crush on me that’s why you hugged me?”

“You’re a malicious annoying angel! Argh!”

“H—hey! Let go of my hand!” Eris held his wrist while he was wiping the wet part of his shirt.

“Let’s go to the club, you can change your clothes there and then we’ll start. I’ll tutor you. You have a quiz tomorrow.”

“Let go of my hand first you pervert!”

Aysus4, me a pervert? You’re the one who hugged me. You’re more of a pervert than I am.  Don’t you like it, we look like a couple?”

“Couple your face! Let go of me!”

“Don’t be shy! Let’s go!”

Eros couldn’t do anything and just allowed Eris to drag him while holding his hands.  What an  annoying angel. But there was a part of him that was smiling, knowing a special girl arrived in his life.

Annoying Angel Eris— the angel who will change his life.



1 BALUGA: (1)used to describe an indigenous group in the Philippines called the aetas. They wear a red bandanna around their head during ceremonial dances. (2) It can also be used as a derogatory term to describe someone who has curly hair and dark skinned. (3) dolphin

2 LISTAHAN: list. I did not translate this first to not lose the meaning of the conversation.

3 KILIG: (Filipino Word)

Source: Oxford Living Dictionaries

Adjective: causing or characterized by a feeling of exhilaration or elation.

Noun: A feeling of exhilaration or elation caused by an exciting or romantic experience

4 AYSUS: expression

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She Died

She Died – Chapter 9

Chapter Nine


Eris Jane Trinidad

O!” I was surprised when someone handed me a burger.

“Eros!” I felt happy to see him again. I waited almost half an hour here on the rooftop.

“O!” he held the burger nearer, I stood up from the floor where I was sitting and took the burger that he offered.

“Ha? What is this for?” I wondered.

“Eat it if you’re hungry or throw it if you don’t like it.” He said while he sat on the floor. He leaned his back on the wall and placed his elbows on his knees while he opened the packaging of his burger.

I sat beside him. “Throw it? Waa! That’s bad! There are plenty of people  out there who’s suffering from hunger.”

“So what,  if there are plenty of people who are hungry? Will they become full if you don’t eat that? Tss.”

“Umm… No, they wouldn’t become full but at the very least we shouldn’t waste the food that is denied to them. We have the chance to eat while they don’t; that’s why we should not waste what we have.”

“I’m sure if you didn’t die, you would become a nun. You just love to give sermons. Just be quiet and eat! You’re so annoying.” He said while biting into his burger.

I unwrapped the packaging of my burger andsmiled. “Thank you for the food Eros.”


“Oh Eros! How is it? Did he give you a second chance?”

He nodded, his face devoid of any reaction. My eyes went wide, I touched my mouth and hugged him.

“Ahh! I’m so happy Eros!”

“Hey! What the heck! My burger almost fell off! Don’t hug me! You pervert!” He pushed me.

“Eros! I’m so happy for you! I—” I was cut-off from speaking when he pushed my burger into my mouth. 

“It’s not sure yet. He said it depends if I don’t get grades below ninety-five percent in all upcoming quizzes and exams.”

“Oh? So what’s the problem?”

“Isn’t it obvious? Do you think he agreed with your conditions because I begged? He only agreed because he’s one hundred percent sure that I can’t make it. He believes that I am and will always be a good for nothing repeater.”

“Then prove him wrong.”

“Ha! Why prove him wrong when he’s right. What they all say about me is true: I’m a worthless person. I don’t excel in anything. I don’t have hope in anything.”

“So, are you happy with that?”


“That they think that you’re a good for nothing?”

“It’s okay.”


“Ouch! Why did you slap me?” He touched his head. “Amazing! An angel that slaps people? Are you really sure you’re an angel? Maybe you’re an alien or a witch?”

“Hmp! I questioned you if you’re happy, and you answered me ‘it’s okay’ but I think it doesn’t answer my question.”

“What should I have answered?” He asked, piqued while biting into his burger.

“If you’re asked if you’re happy or not, you should answer ‘you’re happy’ or ‘you’re sad’.”

“What if it’s none of the two?”

“That’s impossible!”

“There’s really none of the two! You’re really annoying!”

“Do you mean you don’t feel anything?”

“Most probably. It’s like I’m not bothered.”

“So you’re sad!”


“If you feel anything, then you’re not happy. And if you’re not happy, then you’re sad!”

“You’re annoying! Whatever.”



Copper Down by The Boy Who Trapped The Sun


“You know Eros, you should not deny what you feel. I will not laugh or judge you so there’s no reason for you to feel embarrassed. You can always be honest with me.”

“Tss.” That’s the only thing that he said. I waited for awhile, wondering if he’ll add something to his famous line ‘tss’. But when I realized that I wouldn’t be hearing anything from him , I just gazed at the sky and continued eating.

There was silence between us. It was slightly windy at the rooftop, a few of my hair strands swayed with the wind. The skies were cloudy, the sun hidden but there was still light.

From the rooftop, the sound of the students bustling on the ground floor could be heard. It was very relaxing. It  made me sleepy…

I almost finished what I was eating when he suddenly spoke again.


~♪♪’ This ship’s gone and run its course

Through a tired lack of force

And all that matters branded on your arm

So you don’t forget how we first met ‘~♪♪


“I don’t know if I’m sad but I can say that I don’t feel happy when people look at me with judgment in their eyes. It’s irritating, it’s annoying, and it’s infuriating. I want to pounce on them- who think highly of themselves.” He said while not looking at me.

“People, no matter what you do, will judge you. It’s only natural for humans. Even once, have you not judged people yourself?”

“I also judged.”

“See? I’m guilty of it too. We can’t stop it. Even though we don’t want to judge, it just comes naturally. If you don’t like being judged wrongly, you can prove yourself to them. If they see you as a good for nothing, then show them that you can be good for something.”

You wish. Once they see you as a good for nothing, you will always be a good for nothing in their eyes. It’s already stamped into their minds. It’s difficult to change their view.”

“How can you say that? Have you tried changing yourself?”


♪~Suddenly I have this feeling

Tasting copper in my mouth

I look to watch the clouds for my last breath ~♪


He was silent for a while then he shook his head. “N-no.”

“Why don’t you try it?” I smiled while I peeked at him, who  was looking down.

“I don’t think I can.”

“You haven’t tried it yet!”

“I don’t really think I can do it! It’s not easy to change ones’ habits.”

“That’s why I’m here, right? I will help you.”

His head was still down but he gazed at me while I peeked at his face.


♪~ When you grow into you skin

I’ll be the hope joining the wall

And all the scraps of world joined at the hand

Are there to hold you in our secret plan ~♪


We stayed like that for a few seconds. We stared at each other’s eyes, both searching each other for the answers to our questions. 

His eyes were black. And as I stared at it longer, it got deeper and deeper in color as if his eyes wanted to speak volumes; words that his mouth couldn’t utter.

His eyes reflected his true self—a guy who was lonely, helpless, desperate, in need of attention, and who specially needed help.

“If I change, will I be happy?”


♪~Suddenly I have this feeling

Tasting copper in my mouth

I look to watch the clouds for comfort

Fill in the blanks ~♪


That’s it! When I heard what he said, my eyes widened and I grinned. Oh Lord God, I couldn’t believe what I just heard from Eros’s mouth.

“I don’t know what to answer you Eros, but if you try, maybe you’ll find the answer to your question.”

“There’s nothing to lose if I try right?” For the first time he smiled at me like he was saying ‘since you’re here.’

 I smiled at him. “Nothing to lose.”


♪~Suddenly I hate this feeling

Tasting copper in my mouth

I look to watch the clouds for comfort

I hope I don’t let anyone die

Fill in the blanks~♪


“Thank you Eris.”

He said something but the bell suddenly rang, and because of it, I couldn’t hear what he was trying to say.  


He placed his hand on top of my head and ruffled my hair while he stood up. “Nothing. I will not repeat what I already said.”

“Waaa! That’s unfair! What is it?” I also stood up and followed him towards the building.

“I said I will not repeat it.”

“What the? What is it?”

“I said you’re deaf.”

“Eee! What is it really?”

“It really nothing! Stop bugging me! Shoo!”

“Ero-Ero, what is it?”

“Annoying angel.”

I pouted and stuck my tongue out at him because he didn’t want to tell me. Hay, what could it be?

While we were returning to the classroom, I smiled to myself. I believe that Eros will prove to the people who judged him that he’s a guy who’s good for something, something good.

“Hey! What are you smiling for?” Eros caught me smiling when he looked back at me.


“You look crazy.”

“Thank you!”

“Tss. How annoying!”



TL note(s):

Itwas a trend in Filipino Web Novel to include a song(s) to certain scenes in the story; usually for emotional effect. ♪♫♪♫♪♫

Here’s a link to the song: (

See you all next week meows!


Ed(Irene):  To those who are confused, it’s possible to feel indifferent but based on how Eris knows Eros, she guessed that he was truly saddened by everything. P.S. ‘You wish’ can be equivalent to ‘As if’ when used during Fil convos. Okies flies back to my hectic college schedule

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She Died

She Died – Chapter 8

Kittens enjoy!

Chapter Eight


Eris Jane Trinidad

“Hmm, is Eros already awake?” I placed my index finger on my chin while walking towards Eros’s house. I was already wearing the uniform that was given to me by her sister. Eros and I are going back to school! Yehey!

I miss going to school.

When I was still alive, going to school was one of my favorites! No matter how hard the lessons and quizzes were, I still enjoyed every moment because I was in the company of my classmates who also later became my friends. At school, I don’t only learn from books, I also learn things about life.

Hay 2, I miss it.   

It’s one of the reasons why I want to be alive again. Lord, I wish I can still have a second chance. Not only me but also Eros- so that his life would be changed.

(Ding Dong)

“Eris! Good morning!” It was Ate3 Risa who opened the gate and allowed me to enter.

“Good morning to you too Ate Risa! Is Eros already awake?”

“No not yet. Do you want to wake him up?” I immediately nodded at her question and she brought me to Eros’s bedroom. I just directly went inside. Ate Risa said it’s okay not to knock since Eros can’t wake up with just a mere knock. 

I went near his bed. He has a certain sleeping position: face on top of the pillow while an arm is placed under it. I bent until I was near his ear, inhaled deeply and…

“Gooooood morning Eros!” 


Good thing I moved away just as  he fell from the bed because of the shock. Hihi. I intentionally did it so I can wake him up faster. 


“Chicken” I corrected him immediately because I felt that he would curse again. That’s the word which automatically comes out from his mouth every time he’s surprised or annoyed.

“Chicken shit! I’ll have a heart attack because of you! You know that I was sleeping-why did you shout?! You’re vexing!”  He stood up irritated.

“Eros, look at the time.” I pointed at the wall clock in his room. “We’re going to be late if you don’t  wake up fast, wash your face, take a bath and prepare yourself! Faster! We’re going to be late!”

I pushed him around so that he’ll move faster. I also had to stop him every time he sneaked back into his bed.

“Fine! Fine! Don’t push me, I’ll move already! Bwiset!5” He grabbed his uniform from the closet and directly went to the comfort room inside his room and slammed the door.

I was left waiting for him. I glanced around his room; there were no picture frames or photo albums on display. But surprisingly, his room was not too messy.

“Ero-ero! Don’t sleep! Hurry up! We might wind up late!” I knocked on the comfort room door, thinking that he maybe sleeping again. After that, I noticed his bed was still a mess and since I don’t have anything to do while waiting- I made it up. But when I was near his bed intending to grab his blanket, I saw something in the corner- near the wall… a small black thing lying down.

“Ha? What’s that?” Out of curiosity I approached it carefully. I was surprised when it lifted its head and uttered,”Meow!”


Because I was so happy and the kitten was irresistibly cute,  I lifted it up from the bed and carried it. “So that’s the reason why there was a twenty percent increase in the necklace last night! It’s delightful! I didn’t expect that Eros would go back and adopt you! I’m so happy!”

I couldn’t contain my happiness with what I saw and realized so when Eros went out from the comfort room, I immediately hugged him!

“Hey! Get away from me! I just finished taking a bath and you’re already spreading your germs on me!” he said while pushing me. I pouted.

“Eros! Eros! You’re so kind! Thank you for keeping the kitten!” I held the kitten back and showed him.

I saw that he was astonished and panicked, then his expression changed to being annoyed while his index finger was pointing at the kitten I was carrying. “Wha-what is that doing here? Wha-what keeping? I didn’t keep that! Maybe it followed me! I think that cat is possessed that’s why it’s in my house and room!”

I tried stopping my laughter because it’s too obvious that Eros is only acting annoyed. I know when his reactions are natural or not and right now I know that his reaction is just for show.

“You’re pretending ee!” I handed him the kitten and I lightly slapped his right arm. “Just admit it! You have a heart that can be soft sometimes.”

“Hey! What are you saying? Furthermore o-oy! Why are giving the cat to me? You know that I just finished bathing! Please take this! It’s so dirty! I’ll be filthy again!”

“Eee! Stop denying! It’s so clean. You gave it a bath right? And it doesn’t look hungry; you gave it food to eat, right? Ayee! You’re so sweet Ero-ero!”

“H-hey! Sweet your face! I said I don’t know how that cat arrived here! And quit calling me Ero-ero!”

“Hmph! Don’t be shy! You’re so confusing Eros. When you do bad things you’re not embarrassed about it but when you’re doing a good thing, you’re mortified? It should be the other way arounf! You should never feel embarrassed doing things that you know are good.”

“Remember, it’s always difficult to do good things than bad things. That’s why those difficulties, you should be proud of them. Since you know deep within yourself that you did the right thing.”

“Wha-whatever! I don’t know what you’re saying!” he said while placing the kitten back on the bed. Hay, I do know that he adopted the cat. He’s just shy to admit it. I don’t get why it’s  embarrassing, but that’s Eros- I guess he’s not used to the changes happening to him that’s why he’s still not proud of it. I can’t wait when the day comes that he can be proud of himself for doing good deeds.

“But look Eros! Twenty percent is added because of your good deed! It’s already forty-nine percent Eros! Fifty-one percent to go! We’re so close. Aren’t you happy?”

“Tsss!” that’s the only thing he said before he hurriedly turned his back. but for a second there, I thought I saw him smile.

* * * * * * * * * *



“Let’s name her Love!” while we were walking towards the classroom, I nagged him about the cat.


“We’ll name the kitten as Love. Isn’t it cute?”

“So gay. And why do you need to name it when it’s just a cat.”

“Even though it’s only a cat, it still has a life! Would you still be happy if you didn’t have a name?”

“Tss. Whatever you say.”

“So deal? Its name would be Love!”

“It’s baduy.” 6

“Then what name do you want?”


“Ha? Why annoying? That’s not a good name.” I pouted.

“Annoying because you’re annoying!”

“Oh well, its name would be Love! Tehehe!”

“Argh! You’re so annoying!”

* * * * * * * * * *

We reached the classroom and just as we entered- the class immediately quieted down. They were noisy before– I heard laughter and shouting while we were still at the hallway but… they became silent right after we entered. Almost all of them looked down and stopped whatever they were doing while we passed through.  It’s as if they were avoiding us … or just Eros? It’s as if they don’t like him or is afraid of him.

This is one of the things that needed to change. It would be nice if they don’t treat Eros this way. I know that it’s also his fault why his classmates view him like this. However, I also want them to change their views along with his changes. I want them to feel close to him, to laugh and mingle with him. And I also want that someday there would be someone he could treat as a friend from this class.

Lord, it’s not impossible for it happen, right? You told me that everyone deserves a second chance, that’s why I will believe in you.

Nothing much happened during morning class. As usual, Eros just slept but I forced him to be awake and to listen to the teacher which end up irritating him. Hay, it’s not enough for him to just go to school, he also needs to learn.

When lunch break came, Eros was called to go to the faculty room. I tagged along since I wanted to know why he was summoned. At first the teacher didn’t allow me to enter,  but in the end he relented because I was insistent.

“Mr. Magdayo, I’m sorry to say this but you won’t make it to the graduation again.”

“Do you really need to emphasize again?” He answered,  clearly pissed off. I was astonished-no! He can’t graduate? That means he’ll repeat for the third or fourth time? No!

“Wait Mr. Teacher! Why won’t he graduate? What’s the reason?” I asked.

“Lack of attendance. Poor grades.” He nonchalantly said, not showing any sadness about this news. Why is he a teacher but he doesn’t show any concern for his own student? He didn’t have to show such a stale reaction just because Eros has a bad attitude. That’s unfair! He should be fair to all of his students no matter what kind of personality and attitude they  have.

“Is that the only thing you’re going to say? I’m going now. This is boring.” Eros turned his back but I stopped him.

“Wait!” While I was grasping Eros clothes, I faced the teacher again. “Won’t he really have a chance to graduate?”

“None. His attendance is scarce and his grades are too low.”

“But, Mr. Teacher, won’t you give him a chance? I mean, I’ll make sure that he’ll strive to improve his grades with the remaining quizzes, exams, recitations, and etcetera.”

“It’s quite okay; however, his attendance really lacks. He won’t make it to graduation.”

“But… what if he can increase his grades and pass everything, will you allow him to graduate? But after that, he’ll make-up for his attendance by attending a summer class? Please po?7” I tried to bargain and I hoped it would work.

“I’m sorry. I don’t think that will work.”

“But, Mr. Teacher… Please po.  Please… Pa—ow!” I was surprised when someone held my arm and pulled me abruptly.

“What are you doing! You look stupid! Stop that already! You don’t need to beg for me!”

“But Eros—”

“If I can’t graduate, then I won’t! Is that a problem?”

“Yes Eros, it’s a problem! You have done this repeatedly, don’t you want to finish?”

“You know what the problem is? You! You meddle too much! What if I can’t graduate? Tsss!”

“Eros, wait!” He abruptly opened the door and walked out.

“Mr. Teacher, please consider it. Please po…” that’s the only thing I said before I ran outside and chased after Eros.

“Eros! Eros! Wait!” I was almost gasping for air, trying to follow him. He walked fast and his legs were much longer compared to mine, that’s why I struggled to chase after him even though I was already running.

He went to the rooftop, I followed him there.

“Are you my tail, or something? Why do you keep on following me? Bwiset!” he spoke while he sat on the floor and leaned on the wall.

I sat beside him and grabbed the cigarette he was lighting.  He got annoyed with what I did so he ended up shouting at me. 

“What the-? Give it back to me!”

The cigarette was already in my hand and I gripped it hard so that it would crumple in my palms. “Smoking kills.”

“I know. I’m not stupid. It’s written in the packaging.”

“Then why do you still do it?”

“Why do you care?”

“Do you also know that smoking kills those around you?”

“You’re already dead, right? So I can smoke. Badtrip, 8 you ruined my cigarette.” He pulled another stick from his pack of cigarettes but I immediately seized everything.

“Yes, I’m already dead but you’re still alive yet you’re killing yourself. Do you think what you’re doing is right? Do you think it’s justifiable for us who want to live longer? Think of your Ate Risa who wants to live longer but was only left with a limited time. On the other hand you–you still have a much longer time to live but you’re cutting it short?”

He didn’t answer. I bit my lip and sighed.

“Please Eros. You should beg.”

“What? Beg?”

“Beg  your teacher to give you a chance. Beg for him—”

“What? Do you think I’m stupid?”

“You should lower your pride for this instance. You need this Eros, so beg for it. It’s for your own good. You need to graduate. If you’re the one who will appeal to him, maybe he’ll think that you’re determined to pass and graduate. Maybe he’ll give you a second chance!”

“I don’t need to beg anyone!”

“What would you lose if you try it?”

He stopped for a while. He looked like he was thinking of an answer to my question but later he just answered, “Whatever!”

“Answer me Eros, what would you lose if you just try this once?”

He didn’t look at me. His head was lowered. He was silent.

“Hey Eros, answer me!” I shook his shoulders while I tried to stop the tears that were threatening to fall. “Do you know it was my dream to be able to graduate? But I died a month before graduation! I never made it…”

“I never made it, but you—you can still make it!” I shouted at him. “Do not be like that Eros. Do not deprive yourself. Allow yourself the luxury to do the things I can’t!”

“Please Eros, I beg of you. I want to see you graduate. Please Eros… Please. Please…” I continued shaking his shoulder while I was looking down, the tears started falling.

I stopped shaking him. I released his shoulders when I felt his hands on my face. He roughly swiped his hands down my face, as if wiping my tears.

“You look ugly when you cry.”  He stood up and dabbed his pants. “Stay here. Don’t follow me. I’ll be back.”

He started walking towards the door but paused, and with his back facing me he said , “Your God can cast magic right? Tell Him to cast His magic on my teacher so that he’ll listen to me.”

I couldn’t understand what he was trying to say to me. But when he finally closed the door to the rooftop and I was the only one left behind, I finally realized what he meant.

He wants me to pray for him, that Mr. Teacher would listen to his plea. He wants me to pray for him to have a second chance.

I smiled and looked above.

Lord, thank so much because Eros listened to my words.

I don’t know if Eros’s heart softened when he heard my story, prompting him to talk to his teacher;but, whatever the reason may be, I am happy.

He’s slowly changing. He’s not really a bad person. There is no one in this world that is pure evil. All of us have a heart.

Five percent was added. It’s already fifty-four percent; just a few more.

Ed (Irene): Oh we have a tsundere person here.


1 Yehey: Filipino word equivalent for Yahoo

2 Hay: onomatopoeia for a sigh

3 Ate (pronounced as: A-teh): Older Sister; derived from Fookien Chinese a-tsì meaning eldest sister

4 Pot-: the character intends to say potang/putang-ina/putang ina mo which literally translates to your mother is a bitch but should not be taken with its literally meaning since its meaning transcends depends upon usage. It may be used to express different kinds of feelings.

5 Bwiset: originally referred to someone who signify bad luck. It has evolved to to mean anything or anyone annoying, even a situation that frustrates you. You thought everything was going smoothly, then all of sudden something pops up. (Source:

6 Baduy: old-fashioned; someone who dresses out of fashion.

7 Po: A word added to make the sentence polite. Usually when speaking to elders or strangers.

8 Badtrip: is a local all-around expression of disenchantment or disappointment with a given situation, roughly equivalent to that other hippie perennial, “Bummer.” (Source:

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